24 August 2024

Collaboration with Daniel Swann

Over the last year, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with Rockwell Automation. Daniel and I presented a recap of our efforts responding to CVE-2023-3595 and CVE-2023-3596 at the SANS ICS Summit in Orlando this Summer.      

1 December 2023

Analyzing ICS vulnerabilities

A throwback from 2020. Somehow still true today though.

7 July 2023

Heavy Vehicles & Me

Time to get involved in securing heavy trucks!

11 April 2018

Podcast: Professionally Evil Perspective with Amanda Berlin

Nathan and I got to interview Amanda and talk about her book, Defensive Security Handbook, more details here: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920051671.do   Podcast here: http://secureideas.libsyn.com/march-8th-interview-with-amanda-berlin

11 April 2018

Podcast: Kateo takes on new challenges in security research

I was fortune enough to be a guest on RallySecurity podcast! Check out their website: https://rallysecurity.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRnAXnr68so&list=PLME-u8_rMnuM41hSNb5xkFwle9Cu_mduW&index=8

22 January 2018

Podcast: What is Converge and BSides Detroit?

I had another opportunity on Tim DeBlock’s Exploring Information Security podcast, this time to talk about Converge: http://www.timothydeblock.com/eis/122

19 January 2018

2017 Year End Review – #misec Jackson, January 9th

This is by far the strangest way to give a presentation. Originally, I was going to be there in person, but I had to be in Canada for work during the presentation. So before I left, Kyle and I recorded this. It’s a slightly different style and a completely new way of delivering content. Here’s…

22 April 2017

MiSec Panel Event: Building A Community – #misec Southfield, April 2017

“The InfoSec community is full of awesome people, so we’ve brought together an especially awesome group of folks who have built, participated in, and organized community events/research/conferences to discuss what being a part of this community has made possible for them, how they got their projects started, and what they’ve learned in the process. Thinking…

16 April 2016

InfoSecs in the City – Starting a Successful CitySec Meetup

From the original post over at irongeek.com: Johnny Xmas, Fletcher Munson, Chris Carlis, Kate Vajda @j0hnnyxm4s @Mr_FMunson @chriscarlis @vajkat BSides Nashville 2016 http://bsidesnash.org Founding members of Chicago’s (in)famous “BurbSec” meet-ups have assembled a POWERHOUSE panel of influential members of the social InfoSec scene from around the midwest! members from Chicago, Milwaukee and all over Michigan…

12 April 2016

My Experience with Cybati at DEF CON – #misec Jackson for April 2016

“We have Kate-o giving a talk on her experience trying to win hardware in the DEF CON ICS village. She will be chatting about some of the tools she discovered and how she figured out how to utilize the Cybati framework.”